Our Yr 7 Immunisation Clinic is being held on Wednesday 26th of February. Students in Year 7 have been sent home with the Yr 7 HPV & Boostrix Immunisation Information Pack & Consent Forms.
A reminder that our secondary Swimming Carnival is on this Friday 7 February. Please ensure you have given permission via the parent app for your child to participate.
Sign-up is now open for our Excellence in the Arts and Sports. Sign-up and payment can be made through the Parent Lounge or Parent Orbit App.
Please contact Admin on 3481 1000 or email admin@ccc.qld.edu.au for more information.
CCC Build is back for Term 1. Build starts in Week 3, Wednesday 12 February. Meet Mr Pritchard at 7am at the bottom oval.
Sign-up is open now, via the Parent app.
Our CCC Excellence in Sports Futsal, Netball & Volleyball Programs will all kick off this week. Please see further information on these opportunities below or email chloe.kraak@ccc.qld.edu.au.
Opening Hours
Monday 8 am – 9.30 am
Wednesday 2.30 pm – 4 pm
Online ordering through FlexiSchools is available every day.
Orders before 5 pm will be ready for pick-up at Student Services by the end of the next school day, Monday to Thursday.
Please choose carefully as we do not refund. Exchanges will only be accepted for sizing of the original items if the items are returned unworn, unwashed, or in the original packaging.
Please find attached information about an exciting opportunity for students to participate in the Brisbane Blaze Primary School Hockey Day on Thursday, February 20, 2025. If your student is interested in joining, please email chloe.kraak@ccc.qld.edu.au as soon as possible.
Our 2025 Loaves & Fishes Tuckshop menu has been updated. Link here.
Tuckshop can be ordered via Flexischools. Click below for instructions.
Cooloola Christian College Ltd 2021. All rights reserved.